The CD-1000 is designed to dispense cards the size of Debit/Credit cards but can accommodate a larger capacity than the CD-200. The CD card dispenser series covers a diverse range

The ideal solution for dispensing credit card size paper or polyester cards (ISO7816). Designed with a new clutch and reverse roller, the CD-200 prevents double dispensing of cards or the

MCH-3000 offers a compact Motorized Card Reader with capture function that is capable of handling a range of card thicknesses. Capturing can be done either at the center or at

Specifically designed for simple integration into a host machine; this product forms the total card handling solution for any system where cards are processed. The SCD-2500 is the latest product

The CD range offers a number of cassettes depending upon the capacity of cards required. The CD-1000 can hold anything up to 1000 cards depending on the card thickness and

The CD-1500 is a lightweight card dispenser approximately 50% of the weight of our other ranges. It features a sliding type dispensing mechanism, and the design also enables longer cards

The CD card dispenser series covers a diverse range of applications from plastic telephone cards and paper debit cards to pull-tab, break open style tickets and scratch cards. These dispensers

The LCE-500 dispense, encode then drop vend or capture contactless cards of credit card size. Creating a simple but effective card handling solution.

The SCD+CD dispenser has been designed to increase the capacity of the standalone SCD-2500 by 100%. When the cassette of the SCD-2500 is empty the CD-1000 will then dispense cards

The LCD-500 can dispense up to 445 credit card size cards laterally creating a compact unit only 122mm long. Features Compact Size Lateral card dispensing Fast dispensing speed Comprehensive control

The LCE-500+CD dispenses, encodes, then drop vends or captures contactless cards of credit card size, creating a simple but effective card handling solution. Features Option for barcode or customer's own